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Showing posts from 2020

Robots in Daily Life and It's Uses and Abuses

Using robots in our daily life is not so famous now but day by day it's becoming famous. Robot is the best replacement of human ability because it can do many works which a human can't do. Automated transportation, security, medical help, education, home maintenance, dangerous jobs etc a robot can do. In home robots can clean home and also can maintain home. Rombaa is a robot which is very expert to clean home surface. Many family are using this robot for this purposes. iRobot Looj, Bissell Smartclean, Miele Scout RX1, etc are very famous robots to clean house. Rombaa Miele Scout RX1 In restaurants robots are also playing a great role. Cooking food, making coffee, serving food, etc are done by robots in restaurants. Hospital robots are also very famous in this world. Now a days robots are trained to do sensitive operations so they can do operations as a specialized doctor. In many hospitals there is robots which are used to do operations and other purpose.

Robots in Industries

Industrial Robots are very famous and widely used robots in the world. There are lots of robots as I discussed in my previous blog but industrious robots are the most famous of them. There are lots of industries which are using industrious robots widely. Let me introduce some world's top robotics company to you- 1.     ABB- Switzerland 2.     Midea Group(KUKA)- Germany 3.     The Fanuc Corporation- Japan 4.     Kawasaki Heavy Industries- Japan 5.     Epson Robots- Japan 6.     Comau- Italy Those are some famous robotics company in present world. Every big factories and also industries are using robots every day for their daily activities like production, manufacturing, assembling, etc. Specially car companies are using robots most. In their daily activities like assembling, painting, checking every work done by robots. Because robots can do better work than a man so, every car company now using robots. And robots are very safe to use because those can work

Variations of Robots

Variations of Robots Since robot invented, there are different variations of robot is visual to us. Some are small, some are big, some are very creative in size. Actually the size of robot varies by it's uses. Now the world using different sizes of robots for different uses. Like industrial uses, factory uses, home uses, etc. Industries are using robots so much. Because it's important to use robots in big companies. Let me discuss some different variations of robots, Aerospace Robots Disaster Response Robots Consumer Robots Drone Robots Humanoids Robots 1. Aerospace Robots : Now a days aerospace robots are very famous to the space researchers because it can go any place where people can't go. FANUC Robotics is an American robotics company. It's M-710iC robot is famous for removing coatings from aerospace equipment. SpaceX is a famous rocket and also a famous car company in the world. They also use lot's of aerospace robot to send in space where

How Robot Works?

WORKING PROCEDURE OF ROBOT   A  robot basically works by computer program. We can call it a computer because it works like a computer. What happens with computer? We give something as input in computer and it process that input and give us output. We all know that. That same thing happens with a robot. As it runs on computer based software and program so it's work like a computer. But physically obviously it's different form a computer.  Robot has actually 6 main parts.  Programmed memory or processor power system Electronic circuit Actuator sensors Movable body These are the important parts of a robot no robots can be made without these parts. Let me describe those parts. Programmed memory or processor :  Programmed memory means a memory which contains programs of a robot. Programmers creates programs and copy it to a memory which we call processor actually. This processor is the main part of a robot because it controls robot. By this program rob

What is Robot?

Robot Robotics is a word which is known to all of us. Because in our daily life somehow we meet with robots. Now a days robots are very common in this world. People using it in different purposes like industries, factories, home, etc.  Basically robots comes from a slavic  word "robota". By that word it's became robotics.  Before some years when people heard something about robotics it's very surprising news for them. Because during those days robots are not common to all. It's very rare to see a robot. But now it's become very common and interesting as like now. Now robot is very close to our hand. Some of us thoughts that robots means it looks like human. But it's not true. It's not important that robots should look like us. Robot could be just like a hand, robot could be like a plane or helicopter, robot could be like a toy, etc. Robot's size doesn't matter. It could be any size , it's depends on it's use. I mean for whi

Day Out!!!!

Good morning!!!!.... I'm wearing a red t-shirt. Well I love dark color so much but sometimes I love to wear light colors like red. There is also my glasses on my eyes. Y ou guys can ignore my looks because it's quarantine fact😂😂😂😂. Couldn't go out so couldn't cut my long hair. I took this picture after online class . It's also quarantine fact, we can't even go to our campus for attending class. So, we need to attend class through online class. H opefully everything will be normal and we can back to out normal life............... INSALLAH..........

Flyer for warning!!!!!

I created this flyer by using microsoft office power point. Let me discuss step-by-step process to develop a flyer....... First we need to decide by using which software we will made a flyer. There are many softwares like microsoft word, microsoft power- point, adobe photoshop etc. I made this flyer by using microsoft office power-point.  Then I put a suitable and related background.  After setting background I downloaded some pictures from google then resized those and put them on my flyer. Then I decorate it all by my self and write some tips and some writings about corona virus. For writings select font and font size is must. I select different font and font size for different writings.  After setting all pictures, writings, background. Save that flyer is must. So, I saved that flyer as JPEG format in my pc and uploaded it to my blog. By following those way I made this flyer...................... .....................STAY HOME, STAY SAFE..............................

Difference Between System Software ans Application software

Software is a heart of computer. We can't use computer without softwares. Basically software is a combination of programs of different types. There is different kinds of software for different purposes. System softwares and the application softwares are not for the same purpose. They are different by their works. System softwares are basically built in softwares like- compiler, assembler, debugger, etc. Those are the softwares which computer uses automatically. Application software means those kind of softwares which we use in our daily life. It's runs by the command of the users. An application softwares is created by the programmers. It's also developed by the programmers. Microsoft office, adobe photoshop, google chrome, firefox, netflix, etc are some kinds of application softwares. We use this kinds of softwares in our daily life to make it easy. Microsoft office is one of the famous application software. We can use it to make easy our life. We can use MS word

Input-output Devices and Computer

Life is important for all of us. We all want to make our lives easy and comfortable. Now we live in an age of modern technology. Technologies are making our daily life easy. When we talk about those technologies at first comes computer. Computer is a device which we use daily in our life and activities. Now it's become more advanced and easy to use device. Only a single device computer is not 100% able to make our life easy and comfortable. There are some devices which helps computer. We called those devices input and output devices. The devices which we use to input data to computer we called those input device, and the devices which we use to receive output or data are called output devices. Let's talked about some input devices. Keyboard and mouse are the most common input devices. There are also some devices like microphone, scanner, joystick etc are the input devices. Web cam also a very popular input device. Almost all the companies give a built in webcam in laptops. Bu